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Social Debtwork ™ Campaigns » Campaign Owners
#campaign video #thinking hammer #temporary internet files #arghhhhhhhhh
We're sorry for the trouble you may be experiencing, but we are also grateful for you and your efforts to create a campaign, and are sending you a virtual "fist-bump" in energetic support of your efforts!
The most common reasons for this issue are:
1. The video is not in .mp4 format... (there are free online sites that can convert your video to .mp4 if you need);
2. The video is too long or large (try to keep your video brief and catchy, under 2 minutes)... : We suggest a quick intro video to start your campaign, and then a series of ongoing, brief videos to post as updates within your campaign; and,
3. A problem either on your computer (things like the temporary internet files, amount of storage space, etc.) or your internet...
As frustrating as it can be - and we have experienced challenges with our computers at times too - the above solutions should help... (If needed, we can ship our official "thinking hammer" for you to use as you see fits best for your situation and computer)
The transcendent guinea pigs are sending positive vibrations as they sing their subsonic songs of peace and goodwill...
Social Debtwork ™ believes that by providing services and products in exchange for support there is a value to the exchange rather than a hand-out. This process maintains the dignity of those asking for help - they are offering something of value in return, and are therefore earning the needed support - and builds social connections and community where we all can find ways to help others as well as ask for help.
Raise funds for debts and community projects by providing personal services and products. Social Debtwork ™ is an online platform to leverage the power of the social marketplace for individual and community good via crowdfunding campaigns.