Dear heart, an unfortunate secret of the scientific community is indeed that state of affairs between the gerbil and the hamster communities: While both presenting joyful, kindhearted, and nuzzingly peaceful demeanors and affects, they both have a burning fire within their tiny hearts, filled with unmitigated rage for their doppleganger competition in the pet stores, classrooms, and childish dioramas on which they view life to be their stage.
A rhetorical question: Have you ever seen both gerbil and hamster together in the wild? And, you may begin to wonder, "Why is that?"... Quite simply: Arrested emotional development, truly, on both their parts. Both are unable to transcend their egos, insecurities, and fears, and have chosen the path of projecting those frailties and faults upon the other, without slowing down, taking a moment of self-reflection, and contemplating the meaning, truly, of it all. Is it the end of the world that a gerbil would be confused with a hamster, and vice versa? To be associated with the kind, cuddly, and joy-giving presence of the other at heart is not an insult; the insult is to the individual's sense and search for identity. Hence, the arrested emotional development, and, unfortunately, their unresolved conflict.
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