Financial contributions on your campaign are not donations - they are purchases for the specific product(s) and / or service(s) you are offering in exchange for the financial support.
Please reference the "Terms of Service" section in the footer of the website for additional details and information.
Second Step: Add Additional and Important Details and Info to your Campaign:
From your Campaign Page you are able to:
• Add to, edit, and polish off your Description of your campaign (in the top left of your screen).
• Add additional information to your campaign in the Overview section (in the top left of your screen).
• Connect to your “Dashboard” in the bottom right of your screen.
Please click on the “Dashboard” link in the bottom right of your screen to access and complete the following important steps:
From the “Dashboard” page you are able to access all of the following functions on the left sidebar:
Edit Campaign: Here you can make edits and changes to your campaign as needed. Please remember to click the “Save Changes” button on the bottom of your screen, or your edits will not be saved.
In the “Payment & Settings” section on the left of the screen you are able to:
View Supporters: Keep track of who has contributed to your campaign and for how much.
Account Details: This is incredibly important, this is where you link your PayPal account to your campaign so that we are able to verify that you are 18 years of age or older; PayPal also provides an added level of due diligence and security, as we seek to create an online platform that is transparent, secure, and authentic.
To link your PayPal account to your campaign, please:
Enter the email address associated with your PayPal account (we will cross-reference as part of our organizational due diligence to ensure the authenticity of the individuals and campaigns within our platform).
An extremely important aspect of your Social Debtwork ™ campaign is the creation of your "Rewards": These are the product(s) and or service(s) you are offering in exchange for support:
Please click on the "Manage Rewards" link on the left of your "Dashboard" screen. From here you can enter the various products and or services you are offering in exchange for support for your campaign; please be creative here, this is where you offer what is unique to you and connects to the "why" of your campaign. Are you offering specific labor services, hand-made products, artwork, etc.? What is unique to you, and at what price are you offering? Please create one "Reward" for each of the products and or services you are offering.
When someone purchases a product and or service from your Social Debtwork ™ campaign you will receive a notification on your profile page along with your campaign being updated to reflect their support. You can look at the "View Supporters" link on the left menu of your campaign "Dashboard" page; this will list each of your supporters and the amount they have purchased. From here, please click on the "Say Thank You" button to send them a personal message of gratitude, and to confirm their purchase of your product(s) and or service(s).
Whenever you receive support, please confirm which "reward" or "rewards" from your campaign they have purchased; please remember that their support is a purchase and not a donation, and you have committed to provide the product(s) and or service(s) you have offered in your Social Debtwork ™ campaign and they have purchased. (Please review the "terms of service" page for additional clarification if needed.)