As part of our due diligence, you have received an email and link to survey Forms to complete at the end of every Social Debtwork ™ campaign to provide your feedback, as well as to verify satisfaction and receipt of the product(s) and / or service(s) you have purchased from that campaign, to ensure a positive and authentic experience. If you have completed that survey Form you have informed us of any questions you may have regarding the product(s) and / or service(s) connected to the Social Debtwork ™ campaign you supported; included within this form was the opportunity to initiate a "Transaction Dispute" with us. We requested that you please take the time to verify that you have either received 100% of those products(s) and / or service(s), that they are to your satisfaction, or that the campaign owner has communicated with you a timeline and method of delivery that is agreed upon by you.
If your request is beyond the initial and agreed upon two week holding period, we have already disbursed funds to the campaign owner. We ask that you please:
As part of our process of due diligence, we have emailed a link to all supporters of campaigns at the completion of the campaign, asking that they confirm either satisfactory receipt of the product(s) and / or service(s) they purchased in the campaign, or communication from the campaign owner to schedule delivery of such. We asked that these surveys be completed within two weeks so that funds could be disbursed to the campaign owner in a reasonable and timely manner, with the understanding that a supporter that chooses not to complete this survey within the two week timeframe agrees to the fund disbursal to the campaign owner.
We appreciate your understanding and trust you and the Social Debtwork ™ campaign owner can reach a positive resolution.