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Social Debtwork TM Campaign Creation: First Step:




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Social Debtwork ™ Campaigns  » Campaign Owners

Financial contributions on your campaign are not donations - they are purchases for the specific product(s) and / or service(s) you are offering in exchange for the financial support.


Please reference the "Terms of Service" section in the footer of the website for additional details and information.

THANK YOU for your interest in creating a Social Debtwork Campaign! We are excited to support you, and to serve as a catalyst and facilitator for your success!

Listed below are steps and information to help you through the process of creating and managing a successful campaign. We’ve done our best to include the necessary details and information, but if we’ve missed something please do let us know: Our goal is to create a positive, supportive, and open community to share, learn, and grow together.

First Step: “Create Campaign” Page:

“Create Campaign”: Please click the “Create Campaign” button to start the process;
• You will be re-directed to a screen that asks some of the foundational and basic information needed for your campaign:

Your first steps in creating your Social Debtwork Campaign are completing the brief questions below:

Title: Think of a Title for your campaign that expresses your motivation, intention, and the products and or services connected to it; you are explaining the "Why?" of your campaign;

Tags: Add some keywords (they are called "tags") here so that your campaign shows up online for people interested in and looking for the products and or services connected to your campaign. Example: If my campaign offered foot reflexology, I would type in "foot reflexology", and also "massage" as tags for my campaign.

Category: Please choose the category that best fits your campaign;

Main Photo: It is important to add a photo to help personalize your campaign and your story; this is a social campaign;

Campaign Date Range: Please choose "yes" to enter an end date for your campaign; if your campaign is ongoing we will be unable to complete financial processing until the campaign has been closed;

Goal: Please write your hoped for goal for funds raised; it's ok if you don't reach that goal, but it's motivating for others to see what you hope for and are working towards;


(One of the primary foci of our platform is to help people to find either relief from financial challenges or solutions to community efforts and projects)

Descriptions: For your short description and longer description, please tell your story so that people can better understand the need, and the personalized services and products connected to finding a solution for that need. (Please review the "Suggested Sections" list further below to include in your Campaign Description).

This is where you can personalize your story, your need, your products, and your services for the Social Debtwork ™ community. This is also the story that others read when your campaign is shared on social media, this is the “Why?” along with the “What?” and the “How?” of your campaign, and can then segue into your own successful online storefront after completion of your campaign.

Privacy: This is where you can choose the visibility of your campaign, and who you want to be able to see and access it. We respect your privacy and your choice.

Comment Privacy: This is where you can choose the privacy settings of comments on your campaign. We respect your privacy and your choice.

Status: You can choose either “Saved as a Draft” or “Published”. If you have not completed your basic information for your campaign in the questions above, you would want to choose “Saved as a Draft”; also, if you wanted to wait until you have entered all of the additional information in the subsequent “Campaign Dashboard” section after your campaign has been created, you may want to choose “Saved as a Draft”. Once you have selected “Published” it can not be switched back to “Draft” mode; however, if you do choose “Saved as a Draft” you will need to return to select “Published” in order for your campaign to go live.

(Additionally, all campaigns are first reviewed by the Social Debtwork team to ensure validity and appropriateness of the campaign, as well as the services and or products that are associated with it. We work as quickly as we can to review and approve campaigns, but please do understand that safety is our number one priority, and we will take as much time as is needed to review campaigns before approving them in the Social Debtwork site.)

(If you are creating this campaign in support of another person or organization you are asked to complete the prompts from the drop down menu when asked if your campaign is in support of a 3rd Party Beneficiary)

You will also be provided the following prompts to complete in your campaign creation:

• What are your immediate needs and goals?:

• What are your more long-term goals?:

• In what ways are you taking accountability and initiative to achieve those goals?:

• In what ways do you need support?:

• If you were to divide your long-term goals into phases, what would be your projected timeline?:

• Total needed to raise:

• Income per service or product offered:

• Total combined sales of service or products needed to achieve your long-term goal (total needed to raise divided by the income per service or product):

• If you had to divide the above up into achievable phases, how many campaigns do you think it would take to reach your long-term goal?:

• Let’s start with your most immediate needs and goals, and create a campaign specifically for that. What is your immediate financial need and goal?:

• What services and or products are you offering, and at which price?:

• What makes your services and or products uniquely you?:

• How many services or products do you need to sell to achieve the goals of this first campaign?:

• How soon do you hope to raise the funds for this first campaign?:

• After succeeding in this first campaign, consider what the next achievable phase would be (it might be simply repeating what you did before, and building momentum along with expanding upon your community of Social Debtwork members that have already supported you):

• In what ways are you demonstrating…

  • Perseverance:
  • Initiative:
  • Sensible budgeting:
  • Responsible lifestyle and decision-making:

Add Video: Please add a personal video explaining your campaign, your product(s), and / or your service(s) so that your supporters know your story and your needs better. This is an important step that helps your supporters better understand you, your needs, and what you are offering in exchange for their support: Your supporters want to be connected to you, your story, your product(s), your service(s), and your community.

Campaign Support: You will be asked to identify if your campaign is in support of a third-party beneficiary or organization. If your campaign IS in support of another individual or organization, we ask that you answer all of the questions and prompts from the drop-down menu that follows. We use this information to communicate with confirm with the person or organization you seek to support, to ensure their approval and consent.

Privacy: Please choose your preferred privacy setting from the drop-down menu for your campaign.

Comment Privacy: Please choose your preferred privacy setting from the drop-down menu for your campaign.

Status: Please choose if you want your campaign to be "Published" or "Saved as Draft"; once your campaign is published it cannot be switched back to "Draft" mode.

Create Campaign: Please click “Create Campaign” to move on to the next phase of your campaign creation, and to start the process of campaign review and approval.

After completing the above steps and clicking on “Create Campaign” you will be redirected to your Campaign Page.