Terms of Service

Social Debtwork ™ is designed to be a safe, respectful, positive community to help generate awareness and support for individuals, organizations, and causes, and to provide a new marketing avenue for authentic local products and services.

This Terms of Service Agreement (“Agreement” or “Terms of Service”) is made by and between The Social Debtwork, LLC, a Colorado corporation, (“Social Debtwork ™”), and you (“you,” “your”, “member”, “user”, “I”, “their”, “campaign owner”, “storefront owner”, “supporting user”, “contributor”, and other phrases that imply identification in a reasonably understood manner). This Agreement contains the terms and conditions that govern user's use of this website, app, and / or platform.

By accessing or attempting to interact with any part of this website, app, and / or platform, or other Social Debtwork ™ services, user agrees that user has read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this agreement. If user does not agree to be bound by this agreement, do not access or use any part of this website, app, and / or platform.

Social Debtwork ™ reserves the right, from time to time, with or without notice to user, to make changes to this agreement in Social Debtwork ™’s sole discretion. Continued use of any part of this website, app, and / or platform constitutes user's acceptance of such changes. The most current version of this agreement, which supersedes all previous versions, can be reviewed by clicking on the terms of service hyperlink located at the bottom of every page on this website, app, and / or platform.

No implication is made that the materials published on Social Debtwork ™’s website, app, and / or platform are appropriate for use outside of the United States. If user accesses this website, app, and / or platform from outside of the United States, user does so on user’s own initiative and user is responsible for compliance with local laws. Additionally, this website, app, and / or platform is published in English and we are not responsible for errors in translation.

Terms of Service and User Agreements:

• Financial contributions on user’s campaign are not donations: They are purchases for the specific product(s) and / or service(s) user is offering in exchange for financial support.
• By clicking on "create campaign" user is acknowledging that user understands and agrees that any and all online financial contributions to user campaign are subject to the "Terms of Service" user has agreed to while signing up to become a user of this site; user is additionally acknowledging that user understands and agrees that financial contributions on user campaigns are not donations – they are purchases for the specific product(s) and / or service(s) user is offering in exchange for financial support. Furthermore, user acknowledges that any financial contributions to user campaign are an exchange in good faith for the product(s) and / or service(s) user is offering in user’s campaign.

Minimum Age Requirement for Registration and Use of This Site:

• You understand and agree that you must be at least 18 years of age or older to create an account and use this site; your creation of an account on this site is acknowledgement of this understanding, and your legal statement that you are at least 18 years of age or older at the time this account was created.

Access to This Site:

• To access this site or some of the resources it offers, you may be asked to provide certain registration details or other information. It is a condition of your use of this site that all the information you provide on this site will be correct, current, and complete. If Social Debtwork ™ believes the information you provide is not correct, current, or complete, Social Debtwork ™ has the right to refuse you access to this site or any of its resources, and to terminate or suspend your access at any time.

Trademark and Intellectual Property:

• The use of the phrase “Social Debtwork” is the sole proprietary usage of “The Social Debtwork, LLC” and considered a pending Trademark as well as intellectual property. No commercial, recreational, or personal usage is approved nor endorsed; “Social Debtwork” as a name, term, and phrase is considered the sole property of “The Social Debtwork, LLC”.
• Additionally, the terms "Social Debtworking" © , "(debt)work" ©, and "(debt)works" © are considered copyrighted phrases; any usage of any of these phrases must be requested and approved in writing from "The Social Debtwork, LLC".

User Understandings and Agreements:

• The Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform is to only be used for legal activities (wherever you reside, wherever others you may interact with on this site reside, and online).
• Only original products and direct services provided by you may be offered in either your Social Debtwork ™ campaigns or in your Social Debtwork ™ stores.
• As part of our belief in creating a healthy community, we do not allow any services or products that are related to smoking or vaping; additionally, any products that may be legal on a state level but are still illegal on a Federal level are not allowed on our site. We cannot and do not allow any services or products related to those products. No services or products related to marijuana, CBD, or any derivatives thereof are permitted or allowed on this site.
• No stolen or illegal goods or services are allowed on the Social Debtwork ™ site; furthermore, you understand that if any illegal products or services are offered or promoted, all information regarding the goods, services, and Social Debtwork ™ site users involved may be shared with the appropriate law enforcement agencies.
• Users are 100% liable for any actions or choices they may make while using this site; furthermore, Social Debtwork ™ is unconnected to and does not endorse any activities taken or information and messages shared on this website, app, and / or platform by any user.
• The Social Debtwork ™ cannot guarantee 100% validity and / or quality of services or products offered or sold on this site.
• The Social Debtwork ™ serves as a venue for users to offer services and products in good faith, and the resolution of complaints or differences shall be the responsibility and liability of the various users involved in the transaction; if a question or dispute does arise, users are asked to make use of the Social Debtwork ™ “Disputed Transaction” process (linked further below).
• The Social Debtwork ™ will release funds to Social Debtwork ™ campaign owners or Social Debtwork ™ store owners in a reasonable and timely manner (good faith timeline of within one week of completion of the mandatory two week holding window in which goods or services are expected to be delivered and / or provided, and the receiving Social Debtwork ™ user is afforded the time and opportunity to review said goods and / or services, and to initiate a “Disputed Transaction” request if necessary), minus the agreed upon standard online processing fees*.
• Users will connect individual PayPal accounts to their Social Debtwork ™ profile.
• Users must be 18 years of age or older.
• Social Debtwork ™ expects an online environment that is positive, healthy, ethical, and legal, and users agree to conduct communications and operations in a positive, healthy, ethical, and legal manner.
• If a Social Debtwork ™ campaign is conducted in support of another individual or organization (hereafter referred to as “beneficiary”), the “Beneficiary Approval” process will be followed; furthermore, if a Social Debtwork ™ campaign is created in support of a third party beneficiary (individual or organizational), the beneficiary will be informed and consent and permission will be gained from the stated beneficiary of the Social Debtwork ™ campaign to offer the specific user’s products and or services via a Social Debtwork ™ campaign in support of the beneficiary and or the beneficiary’s cause.
• Additionally, you agree to transfer 100% of the funds you raise and receive from Social Debtwork ™ to the stated beneficiary of your Social Debtwork ™ campaign within one week of receipt of funds from your campaign (which may of necessity be after the two week time period in which Social Debtwork ™ campaign owner is required to deliver any services or products offered in their Social Debtwork ™ campaign).
• You agree to provide all services and products sold on your Social Debtwork ™ campaign in good faith and within two weeks of completion of said campaign, or to communicate and establish an agreed upon schedule of delivery with the purchases of the services and products of your campaign; furthermore, you understand that if you do not provide all services and products offered in your Social Debtwork ™ campaign, campaign donors may request a 100% refund via the “Disputed Transaction” process, and that your membership within Social Debtwork ™ may be cancelled as a result.
• You agree that all funds received via their Social Debtwork ™ campaign will be used only for the specific stated purposes of that campaign, and that any diversion of funds or usage of funds for other purposes will be considered fraudulent, with the appropriate law enforcement agencies potentially informed.
• We require that all users who create Social Debtwork ™ campaigns link their personal PayPal account to their campaigns, even if receiving funds via E-Check. This is part of our due diligence to ensure that all campaign owners are at least 18 years of age (a requirement of PayPal) and that each campaign is authentic; it also creates an additional level of security and verification for all parties involved.
• You agree that you are the authentic and sole user of the PayPal account linked to and associated with your membership and any and all Social Debtwork ™ campaigns created on this site, and that no other person, persons, or organization has access to nor usage of the personal PayPal account linked to and associated with the Social Debtwork ™ site.

Delivery of Services and Products; Financial Reserves and Disbursal Timelines; and Disputed Transaction:

• The Social Debtwork ™ serves as a venue for users to offer services and products in good faith, and the resolution of complaints or differences shall be the responsibility and liability of the various users involved in the transaction. The Social Debtwork ™ cannot guarantee 100% validity and / or quality of services or products offered or sold on this site.
• As per the “Terms of Service” agreement that every user must agree to during the sign up process to become a user of the Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform: “1. The Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform is to only be used for legal activities (wherever you reside, wherever others you may interact with on this site reside, and online); 2. only original products and direct services provided by you may be offered in either your Social Debtwork ™ campaigns or in your Social Debtwork ™ stores; 3. no stolen or illegal goods or services are allowed on the Social Debtwork ™ site; 4. users are 100% liable for any actions or choices they may make while using this site; furthermore, Social Debtwork ™ is unconnected to and does not endorse any activities taken on this website, app, and / or platform by any user.”
• All funds contributed to Social Debtwork ™ campaigns and / or storefronts will be held in reserve in an organizational PayPal account for a two week holding period. Social Debtwork ™ campaign owners are expected to deliver the promoted and purchased services and / or products in good faith within two weeks of the completion of their Social Debtwork ™ campaign and / or sale on their Social Debtwork ™ storefront. If the supporting user or contributor does not receive the service or product purchased within the two week holding period following completion of a Social Debtwork ™ campaign, they may request a 100% refund (PayPal service fees may apply), via the “Contact” link in the footer on this website, app, and / or platform; Social Debtwork ™ does not guarantee 100% refund; all parties agree and understand that the Social Debtwork ™ serves as a venue for users to offer services and products in good faith, and the resolution of complaints or differences shall be the responsibility and liability of the Social Debtwork ™ supporting users, contributors, campaign owners, and / or storefront owners involved in the transaction.
• Supporting users or contributors are expected to initiate a “Transaction Dispute” within two weeks of campaign completion within good faith. If, within this two week holding period, the supporting user or contributor deems the products and / or services were not as advertised they are able to request a 100% refund (PayPal service fees may apply). If it is determined that a refund should be issued, user understands and agrees that user will return the product(s) (if applicable) to the Social Debtwork ™ campaign owner at the involved user's expense. Social Debtwork ™ will issue a refund to the applicable user via that user's PayPal linked account (the same PayPal account used to complete the online purchase in this specific Social Debtwork ™ campaign) with the good-faith understanding that the applicable user will return the product(s) to the campaign owner within a reasonable timeframe.
• Social Debtwork ™ campaign owners understand and agree that they must provide and deliver the services and / or products promoted and sold on their Social Debtwork ™ campaigns and / or storefronts within two weeks of completion of Social Debtwork ™ campaign and / or purchase; furthermore, Social Debtwork ™ campaign owners understand and agree that Social Debtwork ™ may choose to provide a 100% refund to the supporting user that has initiated the “Transaction Dispute” pending collection of additional information to verify.
• If a fair resolution cannot be reached by all parties, the supporting user or contributor and Social Debtwork ™ campaign owner or storefront owner are expected to resolve the issue via the local law enforcement organizations where transactions occurred and / or where the supporting user and / or Social Debtwork ™ campaign owner or storefront owner reside.
• Additionally, if a supporting user or contributor waits beyond the good faith two week window of completion of Social Debtwork ™ campaign and / or purchase, Social Debtwork ™ asks that the supporting user or contributor and campaign owner resolve the issue independently. Supporting users or contributors who are deemed to initiate fraudulent claims for non-delivery of services or products will be referred to the appropriate local law enforcement agencies where the claim has occurred and / or where the supporting user or contributor resides, with all pertinent and applicable information shared with the appropriate local law enforcement agencies.


• Upon completion of a Social Debtwork ™ campaign all contributions and funds will be held in reserve within an organizational PayPal account for a two week holding period; during this period all services and products are required to be delivered to the supporting user(s) or contributor(s) that supported the Social Debtwork ™ campaign (unless individual agreement and understandings between the supporting user(s) and the campaign owner). Additionally, if any supporting user or contributor involved in the Social Debtwork ™ campaign initiates a “Transaction Dispute”, funds will be held in reserve until pertinent information can be collected and a determination can be made in terms of a 100% refund of funds and / or a referral to the appropriate local law enforcement agencies where the claim has occurred and / or where the supporting user or contributor resides. After the two week holding period (and absent any “Transaction Dispute” processes), funds will be disbursed to the Social Debtwork ™ campaign owner and / or storefront owner, minus agreed upon service fees * . Additionally, any sales taxes from the sale of services and / or products either via a Social Debtwork ™ campaign or Social Debtwork ™ storefront, are the sole responsibility of the Social Debtwork ™ user that has either created the campaign and / or created the storefront; it is understood that any and all income that is disbursed from Social Debtwork ™ from those contributions and / or sales to the user is the sole responsibility of that user to report and account for, via sales tax requirements where they reside and income tax expectations as reported income. *(PayPal processing fees as per the current and standard PayPal user agreement at that time, approximately 3.49% + .49 transaction fee; plus standard fundraising platform service fee of 5% for Social Debtwork ™ processing and services; rounded to 9% grand total for consistency in operations).

Using Forms of Communication Within the Social Debtwork ™ Website, App, and / or Platform:

Social Debtwork ™’s website, app, and / or platform may contain comment boxes, forums, bulletin board services, chat areas, direct messaging, message boards, news groups, communities, personal web pages, calendars, and/or other message or communication facilities designed to allow users to communicate with other users, the Internet community, or with a group. User agrees to use any of these forms of communication (or any other forms of communication available within the website, app, and / or platform currently or in the future via added services or updates) only to post, send, and receive messages and content that are proper and related to the particular campaign, activity, or community within Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform, abiding by the explicit as well as the implied ethos, standards, and expectations of this website, app, and / or platform, as well as the law. Users agree to adhere to this Terms of Service agreement when using Social Debtwork ™’s website, app, and / or platform for any and all forms of communication.

When using Social Debtwork ™’s website, app, and / or platform for any and all forms of communication, user agrees that user will not post, send, submit, publish, or transmit in connection with this site any material that:

• User does not have the right to post, including proprietary material of any third party, such as files containing software or other material protected by intellectual property laws (or by rights of privacy or publicity);
• Advocates illegal activity or discusses an intent to commit an illegal act;
• Is vulgar, obscene, pornographic, or indecent;
• Does not pertain directly to this site;
• Threatens or abuses others, libels, defames, invades privacy, stalks, is obscene, pornographic, racist, abusive, harassing, threatening, or offensive;
• Seeks to exploit or harm minors or children by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable details, or any other communications or activities that would be reasonably understand to be considered inappropriate in relation to the expected boundaries required for the protection of minors and children;
• Harvests or otherwise collects information about others, including e-mail addresses, personally identifiable information, and photographs, without their consent;
• Violates any law or may be considered to violate any law;
• Impersonates or misrepresents user's connection to any other entity or person, or otherwise manipulates headers or identifiers to disguise the origin of the content;
• Falsifies or deletes any author attributions, legal or other proper notices or proprietary designations, or labels of the origin or source of software or other material contained in a file that is permissibly uploaded;
• Advertises any commercial endeavor (e.g., offering for sale products or services) or otherwise engages in any commercial activity (e.g., conducting raffles or contests, displaying sponsorship banners, and/or soliciting goods or services) except as may be specifically authorized on this site in direct relation to user's Social Debtwork ™ campaign and / or storefront;
• Includes programs that contain viruses, worms and / or Trojan horses or any other computer code, and / or files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications;
• Amounts to a pyramid or other like scheme, including contests, chain letters, and surveys;
• Disobeys any policy or regulations including any code of conduct or other guidelines, established from time to time regarding use of this website, app, and / or platform, or any networks connected; or,
• Contains hyper-links to other website, app, and / or platform that contain content that falls within the descriptions set forth above.
• Social Debtwork ™ reserves the right to monitor use of this site to determine compliance with these Terms of Service, as well as the right to remove or refuse any information for any reason. Social Debtwork ™ reserves the right to terminate user access to any or all of the methods of communication available within the Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform at any time without notice for any reason whatsoever.
• Social Debtwork ™ also reserves the right at all times to disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request; or to edit, refuse to post, or to remove any information or materials, in whole or in part, in its sole discretion.
• Materials uploaded to the Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform may be subject to posted limits on use, reproduction and / or dissemination, and user is responsible for abiding by such limitations with respect to submissions, including any downloaded materials.
Notwithstanding these rights, user remains solely responsible for the content of user submissions. User acknowledges and agrees that neither Social Debtwork ™ nor any third party that provides content to Social Debtwork ™ will assume or have any liability for any action or inaction by Social Debtwork ™ or such third party with respect to any submission. Social Debtwork ™ cautions user against giving out any personally identifying information about user in any form of communication within the Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform. Social Debtwork ™ does not control or endorse the content, messages, or information found in any form of communication within the Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform and, consequently, Social Debtwork ™ specifically disclaims any liability with respect to any content of information communicated within the Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform, and any actions resulting from user's participation in any form of communication within the Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform. Managers and hosts are not authorized Social Debtwork ™ spokespersons, and their views do not necessarily reflect those of Social Debtwork ™.
User understands that Social Debtwork ™ cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading from the Internet will be free of viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code that may manifest contaminating or destructive properties. The website, app, and / or platform is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without any representations or warranties, expressed or implied. User is responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy user's particular requirements for accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to this site for any reconstruction of any lost data. Social Debtwork ™ does not assume any responsibility or risk for user's use of the Internet.


• Social Debtwork ™ has no connection to or liability for other social media platforms that may be hyperlinked to or referenced within the Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform and / or within user’s information, personal profiles, messages, campaigns, storefronts, or any other locations within the website, app, and / or platform. Social Debtwork ™ users choose to share their Social Debtwork ™ information on other social media platforms of their own volition; Social Debtwork ™ is a separate organization and entity from any other organizations and social media platforms that may be hyperlinked and / or referenced at any location within the Social Debtwork ™ site.
• Social Debtwork ™ may link to other websites, apps, and / or platforms which are not maintained by, or related to, Social Debtwork ™. User represents and warrants that user has read and agreed to be bound by all applicable Terms of Service and policies for any third-party websites, apps, and / or platforms. Links to such websites, apps, and / or platforms are provided as a service to users and are not sponsored by or affiliated with Social Debtwork ™. Social Debtwork ™ has not reviewed any or all websites, apps, and / or platforms, and is not responsible for the content of those websites, apps, and / or platforms. Links are to be accessed at the user’s own risk, and Social Debtwork ™ makes no representations or warranties about the content, completeness, or accuracy of the websites, apps, and / or platforms linked to or from this site. User expressly holds Social Debtwork ™ harmless from any and all liability related to user's use of a third-party website, app, and / or platform. Social Debtwork ™ provides links as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link to a third-party site does not imply endorsement by Social Debtwork ™ of that site or any association with its operators.
• Misuse of website, app, and / or platform: Only legal uses are allowed within this website, app, and / or platform; additionally, each user agrees to provide authentic user information in user sign up process; no inappropriate use of other user’s information gained from Social Debtwork ™ is allowed;
• Users understand and agree that no other person is permitted to use their Social Debtwork ™ account;
• Users agree that the personal identifying information they have shared in the creation of their membership is authentically them, and that they are not misidentifying themselves and / or impersonating another person;
• Social Debtwork ™ has the right to suspend and / or cancel a user’s account for any violation of the Social Debtwork ™ “Terms of Service” agreement, “Privacy” statement, or any other activity by user on the Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform;
• Social Debtwork ™ bears no responsibility for user behavior on this website, app, and / or platform, and bears no liability for defamatory posts by users on this site;
• Social Debtwork ™ has no control and no liability in relation to user’s services and / or products that users promote on the Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform either via a Social Debtwork ™ campaign, Social Debtwork ™ storefront, or social networking promotions and forms of communication within the Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform;
• Social Debtwork ™ cannot verify nor validate the validity and / or quality of the services and / or products that users provide on the Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform either via a Social Debtwork ™ campaign, Social Debtwork ™ storefront, or social networking promotions and communication.

Limitation on Liability:

• Social Debtwork ™, its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, service providers, content providers, employees, agents, officers, and directors will not be liable for any incidental, direct, indirect, punitive, actual, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages, including loss of revenue or income, pain and suffering, emotional distress, or similar damages, even if Social Debtwork ™ has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Termination or Restriction of Access:

• Social Debtwork ™ reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate user's access to any or all of Social Debtwork ™’s website, app, and / or platforms and the related services or any portion thereof at any time, without notice.


• User will indemnify and hold Social Debtwork ™, its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, content providers, service providers, employees, agents, officers, directors, and contractors harmless from any breach of these Terms of Service by user, including any use of content other than as expressly authorized in these Terms of Service. User agrees that the Indemnified Parties will have no liability in connection with any such breach or unauthorized use, and user agrees to indemnify any and all resulting loss, damages, judgments, awards, costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees of the Indemnified Parties in connection therewith. User will also indemnify and hold the Indemnified Parties harmless from and against any claims brought by third parties arising out of user's use of the information accessed from this site.

Trademarks and Copyrights:

• The trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos (“Trademarks”) appearing on this website, app, and / or platform, including without limitation Social Debtwork ™ and its use as a phrase or name, are considered intellectual property of "The Social Debtwork, LLC". All other content on this website, app, and / or platform (“Copyrights”), including all page headers, custom graphics, button icons, and scripts are copyrighted works of Social Debtwork ™, and may not be copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Social Debtwork ™. From time to time, the website, app, and / or platform will legally utilize intellectual property owned by third parties related to our services. The rights in any third party trademarks or copyrighted works on this website, app, and / or platform are retained by their respective owners. Nothing in this Agreement shall confer any right of ownership of any of the Trademarks or Copyrights to user. Further, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark or Copyright without the express written permission of Social Debtwork ™. The misuse of the Trademark or Copyrighted works displayed in this site, or any other content on the site, is strictly prohibited and may expose user to liability.
• All contents of Social Debtwork ™’s website, app, and / or platforms are: Copyright © of "The Social Debtwork, LLC". All rights reserved.

How to Report Abuse:

• At Social Debtwork ™ we value integrity, ethics, and community. Any forms of abuse will be taken sincerely and seriously, and may require that we review and / or share any and all forms of communication that has taken place on the Social Debtwork ™ website, app, and / or platform in relation to any and all Social Debtwork ™ user and / or users involved in the reported incident. Additionally, this information may be shared with the appropriate local law enforcement agencies where the claim has occurred and / or where the user and / or users reside.
• Users who are deemed to initiate fraudulent reports of abuse of campaign product(s) and / or service(s) non-delivery or deficiency in quality will be referred to the appropriate local law enforcement agencies where the report has occurred and / or where the user resides.
• To report abuse, please use the "Flag" hyperlink on the specific user's profile page to report to us directly and we will review and respond to the best of our abilities. We value a safe, positive, ethical, legal, and accepting community, and strive to create and protect that as an environment within our website, app, and / or platform.


• These Terms of Service will be governed and interpreted pursuant to the laws of Colorado, United States of America, notwithstanding any principles of conflicts of law. You specifically consent to personal jurisdiction in Colorado in connection with any dispute between user and Social Debtwork ™ arising out of these Terms of Service or pertaining to the subject matter hereof. The parties to these Terms of Service each agree that the exclusive venue for any dispute between the parties arising out of these Terms of Service will be in the state and federal courts in Denver, Colorado.
• If any part of these Terms of Service is unlawful, void, or unenforceable, that part will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
• User agrees that no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between user and Social Debtwork ™ as a result of this agreement or use of Social Debtwork ™’s website, app, and / or platforms.
• These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement among the parties relating to this subject matter and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral, or written between the user and Social Debtwork ™ with respect to Social Debtwork ™’s website, app, and / or platforms.
• A printed version of this agreement and of any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to this agreement to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form.
• The Terms of Service may not be assigned by you without our prior written consent, however, the Terms of Service may be assigned by us in our sole discretion.
• Notwithstanding the foregoing, any additional terms and conditions on this website, app, and / or platform will govern the items to which they pertain.
• Social Debtwork ™ may revise these Terms of Service at any time by updating this posting.

Good Faith Understanding:

• Any users who do choose to violate any of the requirements of our website, app, and / or platform or any aspect of our Terms of Service agreement will have their campaign closed, funds refunded to supporters (minus agreed upon processing fees via PayPal and the Social Debtwork ™ platform), and membership cancelled.
• Information relating to any violations of our Terms of Service agreement may be shared with the appropriate law enforcement agencies if deemed necessary (or if requested by such agencies), and user understands and agrees to this. Any campaign, content, hyperlink, written material, reference, innuendo, suggestive material, product, service, post, photo, or video that promotes and / or supports, whether directly or indirectly, any of the above (in particular any activity, communication, product, and / or service that are illegal) will also be considered in violation of our Terms of Service agreement and requirements and referred to the above.
• Social Debtwork ™ campaigns and users must match and abide by the Terms of Service agreement required of all users of our platforms. Key aspects of these terms of service include the requirements that only legal products or services may be offered in Social Debtwork ™ campaigns and / or on Social Debtwork ™ user pages, posts, and communications.
• This includes any products or services (such as marijuana or marijuana derived products) that may be legal at a State level but are still illegal at a Federal level.
• No alcohol, tobacco, drugs, tobacco-derived products, or CBD-derived products are allowed.
• No content, hyperlinks, written material, references, innuendo, suggestive material, product, service, post, photo, video, chat, or message that is sexual in nature whether suggestive, implicit, or explicit (nor anything that would be reasonably considered as such) will be allowed. Additionally, any users who choose to express such a perspective (either via post, photo, video, hyperlink, etc.) within our website, app, and / or platform will be removed as a user.
• No content, hyperlinks, written material, references, innuendo, suggestive material, product, service, post, photo, or video that is violent or promotes violence, including firearms or weapons that are legal will be allowed within our website, app, and / or platform. Additionally, any users who choose to express such a perspective (either via post, photo, video, hyperlink, etc.) within our platform will be removed as a user.
• No content, hyperlinks, written material, references, innuendo, suggestive material, product, service, post, photo, or video that disparages, mocks, demeans, promotes, supports, or infers a disdain, dislike, negative stereotype, prejudice, discrimination, or hate towards another culture, race, creed, religion, nationality, gender identity, or group of peoples will be permitted within our website, app, and / or platform. Additionally, any users who choose to express such a perspective (either via post, photo, video, hyperlink, etc.) within our website, app, and / or platform will be removed as a user.

Social Debtwork ™ is designed to be a safe, respectful, positive community to help generate awareness and support for individuals, organizations, and causes, and to provide a new marketing avenue for authentic local products and services.