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Transaction Dispute




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Transaction Dispute

  •   The Social Debtwork serves as a venue for members to offer services and products in good faith, and the resolution of complaints or differences shall be the responsibility and liability of the various members involved in the transaction. The Social Debtwork can not guarantee 100% validity and / or quality of services or products offered or sold on this site.
  •   As per the “Terms of Service” agreement that every member must agree to during the sign up process to become a member of the Social Debtwork website: “1. The Social Debtwork website is to only be used for legal activities (wherever you reside, wherever others you may interact with on this site reside, and online); 2. only original products and direct services provided by you may be offered in either your Social Debtwork campaigns or in your Social Debtwork stores; 3. no stolen or illegal goods or services are allowed on the Social Debtwork site; 4. members are 100% liable for any actions or choices they may make while using this site; furthermore, Social Debtwork is unconnected to and does not endorse any activities taken on this website by any member.”
  •   All funds contributed to Social Debtwork campaigns and / or storefronts will be held in reserve in organizational PayPal account for a two week holding period. Social Debtwork campaign owners are expected to deliver the promoted and purchased services and / or products in good faith within two weeks of the completion of their Social Debtwork campaign and / or sale on their Social Debtwork storefront. If the supporting member or contributor does not receive the service or product purchased within the two week holding period following completion of a Social Debtwork campaign, they may request a 100% refund (PayPal service fees may apply), via the “Contact” link in the footer on this website; Social Debtwork does not guarantee 100% refund; all parties agree and understand that the Social Debtwork serves as a venue for members to offer services and products in good faith, and the resolution of complaints or differences shall be the responsibility and liability of the Social Debtwork supporting members, contributors, campaign owners, and / or storefront owners involved in the transaction.
  •   Supporting members or contributors are expected to initiate a “Transaction Dispute” within two weeks of campaign completion within good faith. If, within this two week holding period, the supporting member or contributor deems the products and / or services were not as advertised they are able to request a 100% refund (PayPal service fees may apply). If it is determined that a refund should be issued, member understands and agrees that member will return the product(s) (if applicable) to the Social Debtwork campaign owner at your member's expense. We will issue a refund to you via your PayPal linked account (the same PayPal account used to complete the online purchase in this specific Social Debtwork campaign) with the good-faith understanding that you will return the product(s) to the campaign owner within a reasonable timeframe. Social Debtwork campaign owners understand and agree that they must provide and deliver the services and / or products promoted and sold on their Social Debtwork campaigns and / or storefronts within two weeks of completion of Social Debtwork campaign and / or purchase; furthermore, Social Debtwork campaign owners understand and agree that Social Debtwork may choose to provide a 100% refund to the supporting member that has initiated the “Transaction Dispute” pending collection of additional information to verify. If a fair resolution cannot be reached by all parties, the supporting member or contributor and Social Debtwork campaign owner or storefront owner are expected to resolve the issue via the local law enforcement organizations where transactions occurred and / or where the supporting member and / or Social Debtwork campaign owner or storefront owner reside. Additionally, if a supporting member or contributor waits beyond the good faith two week window of completion of Social Debtwork campaign and / or purchase, Social Debtwork asks that the supporting member or contributor and campaign owner resolve the issue independently. Supporting members or contributors who are deemed to initiate fraudulent claims for non-delivery of services or products will be referred to the appropriate local law enforcement agencies where the claim has occurred and / or where the supporting member or contributor resides.