• Why are you launching this campaign? (This is perhaps the most important aspect, people want to know what your needs are, what is your story; they want to support you and your specific cause or need): Mr. Jones would like to provide a field trip opportunity for his class, as a team-building activity. Perhaps more importantly, he recognizes that some of the students in his class will not get to experience any travel during their Summer holiday, and this is a way to help provide that experience for the students of need in his class.
• What service(s) and/or product(s) are you offering in exchange for support to achieve your goal? (What makes this uniquely you? What unique services, skills, and/or products can you provide?): Mr. Jones is offering landscaping assistance in exchange for any support. Mowing lawns, trimming hedges, organizing garages, raking leaves, etc. He has more energy than funds, but also wants to provide a service to supporters that they would likely pay for from other people in the community. It's a win-win: The supporters gain the service they were going to pay for previously, while they also end up supporting the field trip for the classroom.
• What are your immediate needs and goals?: $5,000
• What are your more long-term goals?: This is a one-time effort (this school year).
• In what ways are you taking accountability and initiative to achieve those goals?: Mr. Jones is offering his time, effort, and services to help provide an opportunity to every student in his class.
• In what ways do you need support?: Finances to pay for the field trip to cover the costs of each student (room, board, transportation, event access, snacks, entertainment).
• Total needed to raise: $5,000 or more (25 students x $200 each)
• Income per service or product offered: Mr. Jones is offering landscaping services at the rate of $25 per hour.
• Total combined sales of service or products needed to achieve your long-term goal (total needed to raise divided by the income per service or product): $5,000 / $25 = 200 hours of landscaping services sold.
• If you had to divide the above up into achievable phases, how many campaigns do you think it would take to reach your long-term goal?: 1 campaign
• Let’s start with your most immediate needs and goals, and create a campaign specifically for that. What is your immediate financial need and goal?: $5,000
• What services and or products are you offering, and at which price?: Listed above, previously.
• What makes your services and or products uniquely you?: Mr. Jones is the one providing the landscaping services, in support of his classroom field trip.
• How many services or products do you need to sell to achieve the goals of this first campaign?: Listed above, previously.
• How soon do you hope to raise the funds for this first campaign?: Within 6 weeks, so that can make reservations and prepare logistics for students.
• After succeeding in this first campaign, consider what the next achievable phase would be (it might be simply repeating what you did before, and building momentum along with expanding upon your community of Social Network TM members that have already supported you): This will be a one-time effort this school year.
• In what ways are you demonstrating…
o Perseverance: Mr. Jones is a public school teacher
o Initiative: Mr. Jones is a public school teacher
o Sensible budgeting: Mr. Jones is a public school teacher
o Responsible lifestyle and decision-making: Mr. Jones is a public school teacher
Raising funds to place our first full order f...